Saturday 26 November 2011

A Wistful Dream...

Last night, I had a dream. A dream so vivid, I thought it was real.
My dream was about me finding a puppy wandering about the garden in front of my house. Immediatly after I saw it, I knew it was a boy, a male dog. He was white with brown pathches and a few white speckles here and there. I named hime Otaro.
Otaro grew fast. So fast that soon I was able to ride on him. When someone mean got too close, he would growl threathingly. He was a guard dog who was also the best companion.

Otaro was a very loyal dog. Like most dogs, when he saw another dog, he trotted out to play. Surprisingly, I tossed back my head and laughed "Otaro, come on!". Now if this was any other dog, it would totally ignore you and you would have to drag it by the collar while it barked and ran towards the other dog.

Not Otaro! He snorted at the other dog and came back to me.

That was when I woke up. I was soooo surprised that I could remember all of that! And for a girl who's crazy about animals and does not have a pet, I was soooo wishing I had a pet like Otaro.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I wish I could see that dream! It sounds so real!!
    i also love your dream land and all the other posts you have sent. You have a great imagination and are a great friend!!!!!!!!
