Monday 30 January 2012

The Element of Life...

What's the element of our life that is always there, but never is noticed until you feel short of it? When you’re having a wonderful moment you try to push it away. However, when you’re waiting for something (or someone) you wish it would hurry up...

This magical element is Time...

Time is one of those things that seem to do exactly what you don't want. It's, of course, not true. It's is just our imagination.

When you want a moment to last forever, time seems to do something to break you free of that perfect moment. When you’re waiting for your friend to come over, for example, the very ignorant time drags that anxious moment forever...

However on the upside, with time your bad moments sometime too! And time makes space for the good moments to end the bad ones. If you spill your yogurt all down your pants, for example, time comes along makes you go tell the teacher who gives you a spare pair... or an orphan puppy comes along and smells the delicious yogurt and decides that you will be its friend.

So time has good sides and bad sides and because we can't do anything about the bad sides, you, like me should try not to think about them.

'Till the next time we meet,

Tuesday 6 December 2011

Moonlit Thoughts...

When you look at the moon, what do you imagine?

I am standing on a silver wooden bridge arching over midnight water. The moon's reflection ripples, creating soft waves. Suddenly a creature of shadows and rippling azure scales, shadows the bright face of the moon. Shadows envelope me and with the light of the stars above, I look into the face of a the beast who hid the moon for the few moments. A tremble of fear runs through me. But when I look into the beast's sapphire eyes, I know that it only wants my friendship and love.

That is what I imagine when I look at the moon. A dark fantasy. The beast is what is known as a dragon, but to me I know it simply as Nymph, or my imaginary friend.


Saturday 26 November 2011

A Wistful Dream...

Last night, I had a dream. A dream so vivid, I thought it was real.
My dream was about me finding a puppy wandering about the garden in front of my house. Immediatly after I saw it, I knew it was a boy, a male dog. He was white with brown pathches and a few white speckles here and there. I named hime Otaro.
Otaro grew fast. So fast that soon I was able to ride on him. When someone mean got too close, he would growl threathingly. He was a guard dog who was also the best companion.

Otaro was a very loyal dog. Like most dogs, when he saw another dog, he trotted out to play. Surprisingly, I tossed back my head and laughed "Otaro, come on!". Now if this was any other dog, it would totally ignore you and you would have to drag it by the collar while it barked and ran towards the other dog.

Not Otaro! He snorted at the other dog and came back to me.

That was when I woke up. I was soooo surprised that I could remember all of that! And for a girl who's crazy about animals and does not have a pet, I was soooo wishing I had a pet like Otaro.

Friday 21 October 2011


When the time comes and it's time to make some friends, I find it very, very hard. I don't know about you but to me it's Do or Die. I'm not usually picky but when it comes to friendship, well...I have to pick someone that will want to be my friend just like I want to be theirs. I mean forever...

I need someone that will lookout for me, trust me and help me. These are all I need to find a perfect friend. Unfortunately, these qualities are hard to find in everyone. That is why I am glad I have two perfect friends like Drifting-Cloud, and Tiny-Paw.

They both think like me, like the same things as me, and we all love each other. However, our personalities are a tiny bit different. I am bold and up to anything. Tiny-Paw is shy but determined, and Drifting-Cloud is shy and likes to be as good as possible.

Friendship to me is most important.

Until next time,


Wednesday 19 October 2011


If I could choose one place in the world to be, it would be my La La Land. My La La Land is called Daquibern.

This is a place where - in daytime - the sky is azure blue and the grass is emerald green. The leaves on the trees - which are wet with dew each morning - turn pale blue. However at midday the leaves turn violet and at night the leaves glow with a radient orange.

Animals of any kind breed in Daquibern. Many rare ones too! One of my favourites is Tadcaoidgvsnie. It has the head of a Dragon, the legs of a Tiger and a mixture of both in the body. Animals aren't the only thing that are in my Daquibern. Many plants grow there too!

Unfortunately my WONDERFUL Daquibern isn't that easy to reach. You have to travel to another Galaxy! This Glaxay looks like the Milky Way but, instead of being white, it's blue and green. Daquibern is one of the one hundred and thirty-nine planets in the blue-green milkyway, which is called Lovaf Isbsim.

I certainly beleive that Daquibern is special. My Dquibern is SO special, only wonderful people and creatures are allowed. Daquibern is guarded by one hundred gaurds made of the most fierce animals. These guards are called Diaown De Fovs.

There is a special gateway that leads to Daquibern but only those who truely believe can find it. All you have to do is believe... 



Friday 14 October 2011

Baulkham Palace...

If you ever want to go have a great time at restaurant, go to Baulkham Palace...
Last night, Smartypants took Cutie-Queen and I to a chinese restaurant at stockland mall called Baulkham Palace.
Smartypants ordered:
Mixed vegetables, rice and a combination of egg noodles, prawns, mixed vegetables, chicken, beef and ... pork? I don't really like prawns,neither does Cutie-Queen,and Smarypants is vegetarian so the prawns went uneaten. While we were eating, a man sang songs to the tune of his guitar. I must say, he was a very talented man!
Then after we finished eating and we payed, a man brought us fortune cookies and mint chocolates. YUMMY! Cutie-Queen and I loved our fortunes, but Smartypants was not so pleased.
While we were eating, we talked about school and just as we were talking about this girl called Lindy, she walked through the door. She looked pretty shocked to see me, but not as shocked as I was.
I enjoyed that dinner very much and I wish I could do that all over again.