Thursday 6 October 2011

Trip To The City; Part 1: Race Against Time...

BEEP, BEEP! We had just parked the car after alot of struggling. My sister Cutie-Queen - who had run ahead of us - told us to hurry up and to buy the parking ticket. After we bought the ticket, Smarty-pants stuffed it in her purse and began walking to the entrance. I - was further behind - finally caught up to Smarty and asked her and asked "don't you need to put that ticket on your car?" Smarty smiled wryly and asked me to take the ticket up the car. I ran up and placed it on the window, only to find I more running to do. When I was halfway there my leg buckled and I tumbled forward grabbing onto a car to stop me from meeting the ground with a crash. I stumbled towards Smarty and Cutie-Queen. I picked up speed when my leg recovered (though not fully).

Smarty, Cutie-Queen and I had finally made to the ferry station and we were puffed! Smarty looked at the timings of the ferry. "3:25! We're cutting it a bit close aren't we? Our show is at 3:30." Smarty asked me. I nodded breathlessly. We asked directions to the trian station and ran some more.

It was a race against time! our train was about to go in 10 minutes and we were a 15 minute walk away from the station. We ran and ran towards the station.

We finally reached the station and not a minute to soon! Smarty bought our tickets and we arrived at the dock just as the train pulled in. WHEW! We got into the train and made for the top. Once we found seats (which was not hard) we began to eat. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!

"Bad decisions! Should have taken the ferry! Same timing anyway. It would have saved us some running! The ferry might have been early!" Smarty made tsk, tsk sound.

When our station came we hopped out and got into another train.

We soon arrived at "Circular Quay". We picked up our bags and ran and ran...again. We only mnaged to get into the Opera House in time - just as they shut the gates leading into the Gruffalo part. "You should put this in your blog!" Smarty told me. "The Race Against Time..." Smarty sighed content.


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